AGM inspections At the Panama Canal
At Adimar Shipping, we prioritize the safety of the ship, crew and cargo by making sure its compliance with regulations at Discharge ports. We have focused our efforts for many years in AGM inspections, fumigation and clearance of the Asian Gypsy Moth in order to guarantee the ship clearance at discharge ports.
We can perform this inspection at all Ports in Panama. This includes both anchorages in order to take advantage of the huge current waiting times the ships are taking to transit the Panama Canal.
We have enough expertise in this field to look for this dangerous moth all over the ship. We know where to look and certify that ship is cleared from them.
If the crew on her way to Panama sights any presence of the moth, we can offer an specialized fumigation service at any stage of development of AGM to make sure the ship reach clean to destination and ready for clearance to start cargo ops.
We are committed to ensure safety and can offer guidance to the captain in regards the recommended practices at loading port up to post fumigation.